What ever happened to the old catchy McDonald Jingles??? You know the ones I am talking about:
"Big Mac, Fillet of Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries, Icy Coke, Thick Shake......yada yada yada".
Today, most of the TV commercials for the Golden Arches fall pathetically short of anything with real urban flare, humor, and/or word of mouth worthiness. However, all is not lost. McDonald marketing executives and their supporting agencies should take a serious look at this "lil" nugget (pardon the pun) found on YouTube. The below video is an excellent example of brand endorsing consumer-generated media and open-source marketing. If I where in their shoes, I would be posting this on McDonald websites, streaming it within ad banners, and placing it within their broadcast media rotation.
Jeremi Karnell-President, One to One Interactive
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